2025 NBRA Race Schedule

(race information and site details will be posted soon)

Reklaw, TX - May 16th-18th

Grove, OK - June 13th-15th

Stigler, OK - July 11th-13th

Centralia, IL - Aug 22nd-24th

Vandalia, IL - Sept 5th-7th (tentative) 

Congratulations to the winner of the Replica Raffle

Lola Sitton

We would like to thank Fernando for continuing to support the NBRA!

Reach out to Fernando Boats Replicas for an awesome replica of your boat!

2024 NBRA National High Point Champions:

A Hydro:  Rick Miller

C Stock Hydro:  Braxton Miller

B Hydro:  Rick Miller

C Runabout:  John Mathews

C Modified Hydro:  Braxton Miller

Modified 25 Hydro:  Thomas Schultz

D Runabout:  Jeromy Sumrall

D Hydro:  Braxton Miller

E Runabout:  Alan Owen

E Hydro:  Matthew Bowden

Super E Runabout:  Braxton Miller

Super E Hydro:  Richard Baze

What is NBRA boat racing? 

The National Boat Racing Association is an organization that holds events for kneel down hydroplanes and runabouts to come together and race. These 10' to 13' long race boats are either built by specialized boat builders, or by the racers themselves. They are typically built out of wood, although some builders utilize lighter weight composite materials for added strength and a lighter finished product. There is a variety of classes that are determined by the engine size and hull type. The stock and modified outboard engines used in this type of racing range from 15 to 100 horsepower and propel these small boats to speeds that range from 50 to 100 mph depending on the class. With up to 12 boats on the water in a given heat, the drivers fly around the oval course side by side for 3 laps putting their equipment and driving ability to the test against the other competitors. This family friendly sport is fast paced and exciting to watch and be a part of. We welcome everyone to come watch the show and walk through the pits! Our race teams are always eager to show off their equipment and talk about racing. Why not spend the day at the lake watching an action packed race program? Take a look at our race schedule and come join us! 

NBRA Novice Classes

Do you want to race boats? You can! The NBRA Novice classes are a great place to start! They are entry level classes designed to allow new racers to safely gain experience driving a race boat as they learn valuable skills such as race course awareness and starting procedures. Boat racing is a very fun, family oriented sport. Many of our race teams have several generations out on the water with the youngest participants starting as early as 9 years old! A lot of our best drivers started in the Novice classes, but it's not just for kids. Adults that are looking to get into the sport benefit from it as well! We recommend that anyone without boat racing experience start off in the Novice classes and graduate as they get comfortable safely handling their boat in racing conditions.

 Do you want to try it, but don't know if you will enjoy it? Come to a race and talk to the drivers in the pits! All of the racers are excited to talk to people and teach them what racing is all about! You will likely find someone that is willing to let you jump in their boat and try it out. But, be careful...once the racing bug bites you, you're hooked! Come check us out and join our racing family!

Contact National Office


Russ Sitton     409-221-9419